The Strong Adepts

Felix is the main character in Golden Sun The Lost Age.He is a earth adept and Saturos and Menardi saved his life in Golden Sun.

Jenna is a mars adept.She is very strong and she cares about Felix a lot.She likes Issac a lot because in Madra when Karst is there she blushes.

Sheba comes from a town called Lalivero.She has good powers and Sheba decided not to go back to Lalivero so she joined Felix's party to go on a quest to save all the lighthouses.

Piers comes from a place called Leumeria.His mum had died because Piers swept from the ocean and she got sick.When he got swept,he got locked up in a cage in Madra.And then he got free by the strong adepts Felix Jenna Kraden and Sheba so he decided he wanted to go on a quest with them.